Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

Herbert W. Rice


Women, after centuries of subjection are at last beginning to make a place for themselves under the sun. Where once they were considered the property of men, today they find themselves on an equal plane with man, but not until after a fierce struggle.

Man, being selfish and tenacious by character, was not ready to give up his rights in women. Be had fought honestly, courageously, and sometimes fraudulently and foolishly tor his women and what he considered their duties, but for all his struggling, he still required women to be subservient to himself. It was not until women actually took the reins into their own hands that they were able to attain the heights of freedom that they so rightfully claim today.

Women have finally, through much fighting and struggling, risen to new and greater olympic heights than they had ever before dreamed of. Today we have women in
Congress, in business, women coursing the skies, in writing, publishing and doing almost everything done by man, with an equal ability, whereas yesterday it was considered ignominious for a woman to step out from behind her pots and sewing. Today a woman who does not take an active part in the polit1oal or social world is frowned upon. And why should not they take this initial step! Do not they comprise
part of the whole? Any action taken by society will affect them, so why should not they be there to maintain their rights and prestige?


A Thesis submitted to the Faculty College of Liberal Arts of Marquette University Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy

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History Commons
