A Look Back and Continued Commitment to "Community Building in Online Writing Centers"

Document Type

Blog Post/Website



Publication Date



University of Texas at Austin Undergraduate Writing Center

Source Publication

AXIS: The Blog


This blog post looks back at one of my first publications, “Community Building in Online Writing Centers,” which was published in 2005 (a decade earlier), at a time when the use of online chat forums, wikis, and Skype were just emerging for online writing centers. In this reflective post, I not only address how the technology has changed over a decade, but I also reiterate my interest in online writing centers: that is, to prioritize relations and the people who are often ignored when talking about technology. This post underlines the commitment to equity in education, arguing that we must think about relations, power, and systems of inequity before making procedural decisions about what technologies to use or how to use them.


AXIS: The Blog (June 2, 2015). Permalink.
