Date of Award

Spring 1943

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Foreign Languages and Literatures


Nearly thirty years ago the writer, then a senior in high school, was introduced to 'Pius Aeneas' and to 'sweet tender Vergil' for the first time. Though the story of the patient hero and the artistry of 'Maro's matchless strain' thrilled him and won his interest immediately, he imagined that all the poet had to do was to tell and old story in hexameter verse. As a teacher of Vergil for twenty-odd years, the writer has learned that such is not the case. He has come to sense the great artistry needed to produce a poem of the quality of the Aeneid. The schoolboy's delight has become the teacher's awe and wonderment. This thesis is the product of an attempt to comprehend more completely the 'windins 1' things' in the poem. That it discusses only 'pauca e multis' is due to the fact that there is 'enough artistry in Vergil to madden the ordinary brain' and that all that is dramatic in the Aeneid could not be effectively treated, 'non... si linguae centum sint oraque centum aurea vox'.



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