Vaccination Intention and Uptake within the Black Community in Appalachia

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American Psychological Association

Source Publication

Health Psychology

Source ISSN


Original Item ID

DOI: 10.1037/hea0001264



Black communities have disproportionately experienced adverse health effects from the COVID-19 pandemic while simultaneously having less vaccination access and decreased vaccine utilization. As such, predictors of vaccination uptake within Black communities are a public health imperative. Black Americans from socio-geographic regions associated with health inequities (e.g., Appalachia), including vaccination disparities, represent an intersection of racial, economic, and ethnic social identities. To better understand the preventive health needs of Black communities in Appalachia and elsewhere, this study examined psychosocial predictors of vaccination intention or behavior.


Adults (n = 336) identifying as Black or African American from West Virginia indicated demographics, reported COVID-19 vaccination intention, flu vaccination uptake, and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination uptake, and completed assessments of vaccine hesitancy, medical mistrust, and racial discrimination. Hierarchical logistic regression modeling examined potential associations between psychosocial predictors and each vaccine type.


Results showed variation in significant predictors across the vaccines of focus. Racial discrimination (OR = 0.64) and medical mistrust (OR = 0.93) were negatively associated with COVID-19 vaccination intention. Vaccine confidence was positively associated with COVID-19 vaccination intention (OR = 2.17) and HPV vaccination uptake (OR = 1.77). Total household income was the only predictor associated with flu vaccination uptake (OR = 1.12).


These findings suggest that social interventions targeting racial discrimination in healthcare may significantly help address vaccination disparities in rural Black communities. Moreover, results emphasize unique aspects of vaccination behavior in the Black community within Appalachia that may generalize to other Black communities living in rural regions.


Health Psychology, Vol. 42, No. 8 (August 2023): 557-566. DOI.
