Exploring and Describing Current Behavioral and Social Sciences Curricula in Predoctoral Dental Programs
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American Dental Education Association
Source Publication
Journal of Dental Education
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Original Item ID
DOI: 10.1002/jdd.13393
To maintain accreditation status, predoctoral dental programs in the United States and Canada are required to train future dentists in the fundamentals of behavioral sciences. Each program independently determines how to fulfill this task, and little information exists on the consistency of training across programs. The purpose of this study was to identify the range of topics currently taught in predoctoral dental programs in the United States and Canada, who teaches them, and the modes of instruction and assessment.
Invitations to complete an online survey were emailed to faculty responsible for, or familiar with, the behavioral sciences curricula at 75 predoctoral dental programs in the United States and Canada. Questions elicited information on behavioral sciences education at each program, including instructor background, topics taught, instructional and assessment methods, and sources of content.
Of those invited, 27 (36%) completed surveys. Per the responses, prototypical behavioral sciences programs usually consist of didactic/lecture format teaching, mostly during the first 2 years of the predoctoral program, by a dentist who assesses students using multiple-choice or true/false exams. The results indicated, however, substantial variation in what is taught, how it is taught, who teaches it, and how it is assessed.
While being a requirement for accreditation, this study demonstrated how behavioral and social sciences topics, teaching strategies, and assessments, along with the individuals teaching those topics varied across predoctoral programs. Consistency, coordination, and clinical integration are possible ways of enhancing behavioral science instruction.
Recommended Citation
Wright, Casey D. and Young, Lance Brendan, "Exploring and Describing Current Behavioral and Social Sciences Curricula in Predoctoral Dental Programs" (2024). School of Dentistry Faculty Research and Publications. 558.
Journal of Dental Education, Vol. 88, No. 1 (January 2024): 56-58. DOI.