Date of Award
Degree Type
Master's Essay - Restricted
Degree Name
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Business Administration
Conglomerate business organizations have become the subject of articles in nearly all business papers lately. This type of organization was something of a phenomenon in the 1950's and early 1960's. The middle and late 1960's has witnessed its growth to maturity and perhaps the beginning of its demise of • • •. The conglomerate movement seems to have run into some considerable opposition lately, however. Bank managements have caught the conglomerate fever much to the annoyance of Federal legislators who seem determined to thwart the diversification efforts of banking officers. The "old line" conglomerate may also run afoul of the Washington lawmakers who foresee a possible zaibatsu economy emerging if the conglomerate movement is not restrained.
Recommended Citation
Siepmann, John F., "Micro-Analytical Extrapolation: A New Approach to the Analysis of Conglomerate Business Organizations" (1969). Master's Essays (1922 - ). 2070.
An Essay Presented to The Faculty of the College of Business Administration Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin