Date of Award
Degree Type
Master's Essay - Restricted
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Literatures, Languages, and Cultures
First Advisor
Joseph Schwartz
In an age when a visit to Bedlam provided a Sunday afternoon's diversion, one cannot expect to find a coherent rationale behind insanity, eccentricity, or extreme behavior. Just as tastes in "recreation" have changed so, too, there has been a shift in the way critics view Browning's eccentric characters. The Victorian critic operated within a moral frame of reference and his world was one in which the good - evil dichotomy was still available concept. If it appears to the modern sensibility that the Victorian critic evades the problem of the eccentric personality, it is because of a shift in perspective between the two ages. The modern critic views the eccentric from a psychological standpoint and often interprets abnormality according to scientific rather than morally evaluative criteria.
Recommended Citation
Siefert, Susan, "Browning's Use of Eccentricity in Six Poems" (1970). Master's Essays (1922 - ). 2071.
An essay submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts to the faculty of the department of English at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin