Date of Award
Degree Type
Master's Essay - Restricted
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
"Poets are men who speak great words pregnantly", thus Karl Rahner. But men can only be poets because of Another who comes before them. The first poet is God, not man. The most profound sections in the writings of the New Testament hint at this. In the beginning, there was God-the-Poet, and with Him His Word, a single Word, also God, pregnant with the whole reality of the divine Poet Himself. The Word is turned wholly toward its Speaker; and in response to Him, as well as in concert with Him, breathes forth a third Person, a Spirit of love who makes divine community with them, so permeating their life together that it is wholly characterized by this Love.
Recommended Citation
Smith, Ann, "The Heart of Christ: The Theology of a Word" (1967). Master's Essays (1922 - ). 2087.