Date of Award
Degree Type
Master's Essay - Restricted
Degree Name
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
In January, 1957, the Committee on Accounting Procedures of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants published the Accounting Research Bulletin # 48, "Business Combinations." This Bulletin superseded chapter 7( c) of the Accounting Research Bulletin # 43. The purpose of Bulletin # 48 was to redefine the two types of business combinations, purchase and pooling of interest, and to outline the accounting practice to be followed for each combination.
Recommended Citation
Shinners, William J., "Accounting for Business Combinations" (1965). Master's Essays (1922 - ). 2093.
An Essay Presented to the Faculty of the Department of Accounting Marquette University, In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Business Administration, Milwaukee, Wisconsin