Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration (MBA)


Business Administration

First Advisor

Francis J. Calkins

Second Advisor

Jacobus Kruyne

Third Advisor

Howard C. Launstein


Through the years banking in Milwaukee has been a constantly fluctuating business . Banks have had to adjust to extremely prosperous times and sudden depressions, liberal credit conditions and tight money markets, war time economies and post war economies, vast industrial expansion and modernization, and tremendously changing living conditions. The densely populated inner city rapidly spread. Sprawling suburbs developed and vast segments of industry relocated. To cope with these situations the banking industry underwent many changes since the early- 1920's. Facilities were expanded and new methods were developed to meet the changing needs.

This paper is a study of the changing banking trends in Milwaukee County for the period 1923 through 1961. Due to a lack of certain basic material, the period 1923 -1944 includes only banks in the city of Milwaukee. However, the period 1945 - 1961 includes banks throughout Milwaukee County including the cities of Milwaukee, West Allis, Wauwatosa, Brown Deer, South Milwaukee, Cudahy, Shorewood and Whitefish Bay.


An Essay submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School, Marquette University in Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
