Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

J.L. O'Sullivan


The business of producing house organs is intimately a part of advertising and is precariously linked up with the problem of salesmanship. More generously house organs are the consolidated specialized effort of producing the wide­ spread use of an advertised product. It is well to consider the construction of this widely misunderstood term involving direct advertising, from the foundation of advertising in general.

Advertising is an art older than history, though in its present· forms it is rather recent. The newest of all its developments, of course, is that phase in which we are most interested since it involves the media of house organs and that phase is direct advertising. The relation between advertising and selling is so close and intimate that they can hardly be separated. Probably the only distinction that really exists is this: when we advertise by word of mouth and by personal contact, we call it "selling" and when we sell, or try to sell, by sample or by the printed word we call such selling "advertising".


A Thesis Submitted to Partially Fulfill the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy, College of Journalism
