About Institutional Repositories | e-Publications@Marquette | Marquette University Research

About e-Publications@ Marquette

e-Publications@Marquette is Marquette University’s digital Institutional Repository (IR). e-Pubs brings together Marquette University’s scholarly output in one place with the intent to preserve scholarship and make it openly accessible for current and future researchers.

See "Vocabulary" below for more on the definition of "Institutional Repository."

Please note that Marquette University Law School maintains its own institutional repository, Marquette Law Scholarly Commons.

How to deposit materials with e-Publications@Marquette

Simply email your material to e-Publications@Marquette muepublications@marquette.edu


Three Major Benefits of Depositing your work with e-Publications@Marquette:

  1. ACCESS: Depositing your work in e-Publications@Marquette allows open access to the material online. Choosing to make your work openly accessible may lead to wider readership. A citation analysis conducted by Nature Communications concluded that OA publications have a positive impact on the number of times an article is cited, how quickly an article is cited, and the overall number of views and downloads an article receives. You can see further details on the citation analysis here. This is because an Open Access repository requires neither user fees, nor subscription access not available to all potential readers. To help track your readership, you will receive a monthly download report that lets you know how often others are finding and reading your work. Think of e-Publications as a worldwide forum that highlights your scholarship! See "Vocabulary" below for more on the definition of "Open Access."


  1. REUSE: There are multiple ways you can reuse any documents or citations deposited with e-Publications@Marquette. You can use entries in the IR to automatically populate a personal website (see the Selected Works gallery, or talk to the repository staff about other options). Another feature offered through e-Pubs is the ability to connect with colleagues by linking your work through social media.  In addition to providing links, colleagues will also have options to “like” and “tweet” about your work, as well as comment and engage in academic conversations.  Work deposited in e-Pubs can also be submitted to other disciplinary repositories.


  1. PRESERVATION: Authors who use the IR also benefit from having a stable URL to which you can refer colleagues. You will no longer have to provide reprints or e-mail documents to others who are interested in your research. Likewise, stable URLs eliminate the need to update references material posted on a personal website should you make changes to the site in the future. The Library will take responsibility for preserving your work in digital form.

Authors Eligible for Deposit with e-Publications@Marquette

Depositors must be Marquette faculty, students or staff. Materials must be affiliated with Marquette in some way - preferably an author or co-author is a Marquette- affiliated faculty, student or staff member. Materials from conferences, symposia, and similar events sponsored by Marquette, Marquette academic departments and institutes are also eligible with proper permissions from the authors and presenters. Authors and presenters at Marquette-affiliated events need not be Marquette-affiliated themselves.

Content Eligible for Deposit with e-Publications@Marquette

A wide variety of content is eligible for deposit in e-Publications. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Articles written or co-authored by Marquette faculty.
    • Articles previously published in journals must be under a publishers’ agreement or copyright status that allows deposit in an institutional repository. The Libraries can assist in determining publisher policy for deposit. (Contact e-Publications@Marquette, muepublications@marquette.edu, with questions about publisher permissions and copyright)
  • Conference presentations
    • Including abstract, slides, and/or scripts
  • Creative Works
    • Including fiction, poetry, non-fiction, images, audio, video, animation, and more
  • Datasets
  • Editorials
  • Electronic theses and dissertations
  • Journals based at Marquette, including graduate student run journals
  • Lectures and Seminar Series
    • Including abstract, slides, and/or scripts
  • Letters to editors
  • Monographs
  • Multimedia files
    • Including text, images, audio, video, and/or animation
  • News articles
  • Technical papers
  • Reviews
  • Software
  • Student Research and Projects
  • University documents
  • Working


Please contact e-Publications@Marquette muepublications@marquette.edu if you have any questions about eligibility of work for deposit.

Students may deposit materials with the approval of their department or advisor. Some examples of eligible submissions include coursework, award-winning essays, multimedia projects. Contact e-Publications@Marquette muepublications@marquette.edu, with questions about student materials in e-Publications@Marquette.

All Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) associated with the Marquette Graduate School are now submitted to the IR de facto as part of the submission process. This policy was adopted in 2009, meaning all subsequent ETDs can be found in the IR. Students also have the option to embargo access to theses and dissertations.  Further information about ETD can be found on the Graduate School’s website http://www.marquette.edu/grad/electronic-thesis-dissertation.php.

Further Notes on Deposits

Most journal articles and many book chapters are eligible for deposit in e-Publications@Marquette. The most commonly allowed version for deposit is the "Author’s Version" (see "'Author Version'..." below). Repository staff will work with your publisher to gain permission to deposit your work. If the publisher does not grant deposit, we can still create a record with a link to the subscription access site.

If you have a copy of your publication agreement you may refer to it for further clarification of your specific copyright permissions. If you have negotiated a different agreement from the standard agreement with your publisher, please pass this on to the repository staff as you may have additional rights to deposit beyond what the publisher grants by default.

 “Accepted Version,” “Author Version,”  and “Post-Print”

Many publishers allow use of the author's final, accepted version in institutional repositories (this version is post-peer-review, with any corrections, but prior to publisher formatting and pagination). Though e-Pubs uses the term “Accepted Version” some IRs will refer to this kind of file as an “Author Version.”  Many publishers will call the document a “Post-Print.” All three terms are synonymous.  A “Published Version” refers to a final version of an article as it appears in publication.  This is similar to the “Accepted Version,” but follows the formatting and pagination established by the publisher. The “Author Version” is the preferred version for deposit in the IR. If the publisher allows deposit of the "Published Version," repository staff will obtain a copy. See "Vocabulary" for complete definitions of "Author Version," "Accepted Version," and "Published Version."

Further Reading on Open Access and Institutional Repositories

For authors interested in learning more about open access and institutional repositories (IR), many resources are available online.

Open Access (General Overview)

  • Open Access Overview
    • Open access advocate Peter Suber (2015) maintains an introduction to open access questions as well as more in-depth treatments on a legacy page of the Earlham College Website.
  • Scholarly Communication
    • The Association of Research Libraries (ARL)—updated 2014—provides links to news on Open Access. TOME (Toward an Open Monograph Ecosystem) explains how Open Access repositories especially beneficial to specialty fields and generating a publishing space for monographs.
  • HowOpenIsIt?
    • This 2014 webpage from the Public Library of Science (PLoS) offers quick and convenient overview of the nuances of Open Access policies with an aim to standardize terminology.
  • The State of OA: A Large-Scale Analysis of the Prevalence and Impact of Open Access Articles
    • In this 2018 article, the authors provide an up-to-date state of OA and OA research.

Open Access and Citation Counts


Open Access and Peer Review

  • Peer Review in Academic Promotion and Publishing: Its Meaning, Locus, and Future
    • This 2011 study from the Berkeley Center for Studies in Higher Education that looks broadly at peer review and the scholarly publishing environment, with commentary on open access and institutional repositories.
  • Interactive Open Access Publishing and Public Peer Review: The effectiveness of Transparency and Self-Regulation in Scientific Quality Assurance
    • Ulrich Pöschl’s 2010 article investigates the peer review quality of OA journals, concluding that OA peer review meets a growing demand for “efficient communication and quality assurance” that traditional peer review had previously lacked. Pöschl concludes OA journals strike the necessary balance between timely distribution of information and thorough vetting.

Open Access and Journal Quality

  • Open Access Journal Quality Indicators
    • Grand Valley State University (2017) recaps the benefits of publishing in an OA journal and includes a reference list of positive and negative indicators to help an author or researcher determine the quality of an OA journal. The page also included definitions of three OA publishing models.
  • Addressing Faculty Publishing Concerns with Open Access Journal Quality Indicators
    • Sarah Beaubien and Max Eckard’s 2014 article describes how OA Journals have led to a split in quality. The authors reinforce the concept of OA as a process leading to high-quality, peer reviewed publications, but do not shy away from indicating the working issues yet to resolve in OA.

Institutional Repositories

Authors’ Rights

  • SPARC Open
    • The Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC)—updated 2018—offers information on Open Access, copyright, and licensing agreements.
    • SPARC also provides the following informational page on Author Addendums and an Author Addendum Form both aimed at helping researchers retain rights to their work, such as the right to distribute.

Additional Resources

  • Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association
    • OASPA’s (2018) Resource Page provides a convenient list of licensing and attribution resources, as well as declarations and Open Access publishing directories.
  • Open Access and Scholarly Communications: Busting OA Myths
    • The University of North Carolina (2017) breaks down the five most common myths and misunderstandings surrounding OA, as well as providing “remedies” to the busted myths and links to further resources.
  • OpenDOAR
    • The Directory of Open Access Repositories offers a comprehensive list of Repositories supporting an OA format both in the United States and around the world.
    • This web resource provides summaries of publisher permission policies for use of content in Open Access Contexts, including permissions for Accepted Versions, Post-Prints, Published Versions, restrictions, and embargo periods.

This is a selective list of the numerous resources available. For more information on open access, scholarly communication, institutional repositories, and e-Publications@Marquette, contact your subject liaison or e-Publications@Marquette muepublications@marquette.edu.



Author Addendum


An additional document with special conditions attached to the generic publication agreement between an author and publisher. (The SPARC Author Addendum is one example of an addendum authors may attach to their publishing agreement in order to begin a negotiation with the publisher on the rights they : http://www.arl.org/sparc/author/addendum.shtml.)


Author Version, or Accepted Version


The final version of an article after it has been peer-reviewed and revised into its final form by the author, but prior to formatting (including final pagination) and branding by the publisher. This is the version publishers most commonly allow for deposit. (Note: Sometimes the term "Post-print" is used to refer to this version. However, "Post-Print" can also mean the published version.)


Creative Commons License

A specialized copyright focused on allowing creative work to be shared without the restrictions of traditional copyright while simultaneously protecting the rights of the original author. An individual or institution registering for a Creative Commons License can decide if a work can be used commercially and if the work can be edited or built upon.



A publishing embargo prevents access to full-text versions of published material for a specified period of time. Published journal articles sometimes have a specified embargo period for posting in institutional repositories stated in the publication agreement between the author and publisher.

Marquette theses and dissertations may be embargoed in e-Publications@Marquette by the author for 6 months, 1 year or 2 years. Students should be aware that absolutely no one can access their work while it is under embargo and therefore should consider carefully a decision to exercise that option. Specific situations may necessitate an embargo period, such as the author is seeking publication of the material or is applying for a patent on research contained within the material. See Marquette's Graduate School policy on embargoes and restrictions.


Gold OA


Journals and monographs that are openly accessible– the publisher does not require a subscription fee or impose an embargo period – are Gold OA. Some Gold OA publishers assign Author Publishing Charges (APCs) to allow readers open access and free viewing.  It should be noted, however, an increasing number of OA publishers now waive these fees.


Green OA


Scholarly content that has been published in a traditional journal or monograph and is openly accessible online through deposit in an online repository is considered "Green" Open Access. e-Publications@Marquette is an institutional repository and previously published articles openly available there are Green OA.


Institutional Repository (IR)


Marquette’s institutional repository, e-Publications@Marquette , is an organized digital collection of scholarly material produced by Marquette faculty, students, staff, and affiliates. This collection of intellectual works includes material such as theses and dissertations, journal articles, working papers, conference proceedings, and presentations. The purpose of the IR is to preserve scholarship and make it openly accessible for current and future researchers.




Metadata is data used to describe other data. In the case of e-Publications@Marquette a metadata record accompanies each document and citation. Metadata includes elements such as Title, Author, Author Institution, Date of Publication, and Abstract. Correct and complete metadata is important for search engine discoverability and documentation of publications and versions. Metadata is also important in the management of research data sets, and may include many more elements including file name, lab notes, coding guides, etc. (Repository staff are available to assist with metadata entry and questions)


Open Access (OA)


Open Access allows for scholarship to be made freely available online with no fee or subscription required. Open access is compatible with peer review and copyright. For a more in-depth overview of Open Access, see Peter Suber's introduction.


“Pre-print Version”


A draft of an article before it has been peer-reviewed and later revised by the author.


“Post-print Version”

See “Accepted Version.”

“Published Version”


The final version of an article as it appears in publication. This is similar to the author / accepted version but includes publisher specific formatting and editing. Some publishers allow this version for deposit. The published version is also referred to as the "definitive version," the "copy of record," or the "final version."


Publisher Permissions & Policies


Rules agreed upon by an author and publisher that regulate the publication, distribution, use, archiving, re-publication, and access to the author's work.



A web resource that provides summaries of publisher permission policies for the use of content in Open Access contexts, such as IRs. The information offered by SHERPA RoMEO includes how the Accepted Version, Post-print, and Published version may be used, a list of general conditions, and any restrictions such as embargo periods. Link to Site



If you have questions about the Marquette Institutional Repositories or e-Publications@Marquette, or if you need technical support, contact muepublications@marquette.edu.

Danelle Orange, Coordinator for Digital Programs & Scholarly Communication



Sharon Olson, Digital Programs Technician



Leslie Quade, Digital Programs Technician



For Further information regarding e-Publications@Marquette, please see our FAQ page.