Frequently Asked Questions | e-Publications@Marquette | Marquette University Research

Frequently Asked Questions

For questions about the general purpose and function of the IR, please see the About page.

Can I reuse material that I find in e-Publications@Marquette?

Materials within e-Publications@Marquette are generally under copyright, unless a license is indicated in the record for the item. We are not able to grant licenses for reproduction, distribution, display, broadcast, performance, or derivative works. e-Publications@Marquette solely requests the limited permission of the rights holder to display and distribute items digitally via the repository. Therefore any requests for reuse of materials found within the repository should be directed to the rights holder. For help determining the rights holder of an item, please contact us at and include the title and URL of the item you are interested in reusing.

“Restricted Access”: How do I access this item?

This item has restricted access due to copyright consideration or the author’s request.

If you would like to access the full text of this item, please request it through your local library’s Interlibrary Loan department.

If you have further questions or you do not have access to a library, please contact us at and include the title and URL of the item that you wish to access. As a disclaimer, in most cases we will not be able to honor requests for access to restricted materials that do not come through Interlibrary Loan departments.

If I deposit with e-Publications@Marquette, who holds the copyright for the work?

e-Publications@ Marquette never makes a copyright claim. Copyright permissions remain with the author(s) unless a previous agreement has been reached with a publisher.

What if the material I wish to deposit has multiple authors?

e-Publications@Marquette will accept deposits with multiple authors so long as at least one author is affiliated with Marquette University and the material is not restricted by any publication agreement held between the work’s authors and the publisher.

Multiple authors at MU: To deposit an article with multiple authors affiliated with Marquette University, only one of the authors needs deposit the work with e-Pubs.

Co-authors from Different Institutions: You can also submit collaborative works with co-authors from different institutions. Procedures for depositing these documents are the same as publications by a single author.

Can I deposit an article that has already been published in a journal?

Permission to reprint from a journal depends on what that journal allows. This is usually specified in a publisher’s agreement with the author. e-Pubs will post any deposit as long as the copyright agreement with the previous publisher allows us to do so. SHERPA RoMEO is an excellent tool for quickly checking many publishers’ default permissions agreements.

What if my publishing agreement allows deposit of my journal article in an institutional repository, but only if the article meets certain conditions?

Publishers may request special conditions for posting in Marquette's e-Publications repository. e-Publications@Marquette makes every attempt to accommodate these conditions, including a list of the following information:

"Accepted Version"

Many publishers allow deposit of the final, peer-reviewed and corrected version of an article prior to publisher formatting, also known as the "Author Version" (e-Pubs uses the term “Accepted Version” while many publishers use "Post-print"). IR records will state whether the submission is an “Accepted Version” or a “Published Version.”

Citations and Notices

Repository staff will provide a citation to the journal as well as any disclaimers or notices requested by the publisher.

Link to Publisher’s Website

If the deposited document is an “Accepted Version,” repository staff will provide a link to the published version of the article at the publisher’s website.

Digital Object Identifier

Permanent identifiers for digital objects are provided by some publishers. They appear as a sequence of punctuated digits and letters, like "10.1000/182". If the publisher provides a DOI for an article repository staff will enter the DOI in the Comments box as a link.

Embargo Period

Some publication agreements only allow for open access deposit after a certain date. Material can be submitted to the Repository before this date. The repository platform is designed to prevent download of the article until the embargo date has passed. The material and a citation will be in the repository, but the full-text will not be accessible until the specified date.

I’ve published a slightly revised form of a working paper in a journal. Can the “Accepted Version” remain in the IR?

Yes—e-Publications@Marquette can host both a working paper and a published article. Many journals have no restrictions on working papers that preceded the “Published Version,” especially if you have made substantial revisions to the work. You should check your author agreement to confirm that there is no problem with leaving the working paper on the site. The repository would constitute noncommercial use.

Assuming the working paper remain posted in the repository, it is a good idea to include the citation to the published article on the cover page of the repository working paper. Please contact the repository administrator to request this change.

I don't have electronic versions of old working papers that I'd like to include in the repository. Is it okay to scan the printed page to a PDF file?

If you have a physical copy of an article you would like to deposit with e-Pubs, bring said copy to the Digital Programs Office. Repository staff will scan and upload a digital copy for you. Bringing a physical copy of an unscanned document directly to e-Pubs is a great option because of the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology we are able to offer. Documents scanned by repository staff will be fully text searchable, while maintaining the document’s original format.

Can I deposit related files (sound clips, data sets, etc.) to accompany an article?

Yes. Additional Files you deposit will appear accompanying the main article as “Additional Files.” If you provide a short description for each Additional File, it will appear on the website.

Please note that anyone accessing Additional Files must have the necessary software to open the files; said software is not provided by e-Pubs or the bepress system.


If you have questions about the Marquette Institutional Repositories or e-Publications@Marquette, or if you need technical support, contact

Danelle Orange, Coordinator for Digital Programs & Scholarly Communication

Sharon Olson, Digital Programs Technician

Leslie Quade, Digital Programs Technician