"The Role of Country of Origin in Brand Following on Social Media Among" by Jim Pokrywczynski and Kevin Keenan

Document Type

Conference Proceeding



Publication Date



Marketing EDGE

Source Publication

Proceedings of the Marketing EDGE Direct/Interactive Marketing Research Summit 2014


An understanding of how consumers interact with brands online is still in its infancy. This study will attempt to explain what motivates consumers to follow brands on social media, looking specifically at the role country and region of origin of products plays in explaining the relationship. Given the personal nature that attracts people to social media to build relationships, it is believed that the personal nature of brands originating from the social media users’ home country will heighten the likelihood that consumers track certain brands and may enhance the relationship that evolves between the brand and the consumer. A model is proposed to explain the relationship, with survey data from U.S. consumers used to begin to establish any links between product origins and brand tracking behavior through social media.


Published version. Published as part of the proceedings of the conference, Marketing EDGE Direct/Interactive Marketing Research Summit, 2014. Publisher link. © 2014 The Authors. Used with permission.

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