"Thermal Analysis of As-received and Clinically Retrieved Copper-Nickel" by Matthew C. Biermann, David W. Berzins et al.

Document Type




Format of Original

5 p.

Publication Date



The E. H. Angle Education and Research Foundation Inc.

Source Publication

The Angle Orthodontist

Source ISSN


Original Item ID

doi: 10.2319/0003-3219(2007)077[0499:TAOAAC]2.0.CO;2


Objective: To compare as-received copper-nickel-titanium (CuNiTi) archwires to those used in patients by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Also, the thermal or phase properties of 27°C, 35°C, and 40°C CuNiTi archwires were studied to ascertain if their properties match those indicated by the manufacturer.

Materials and Methods: Six wires of 27°C, 35°C, and 40°C CuNiTi were tested as-received, and six each of the 27°C and 35°C wires were examined after use in patients for an average of approximately 9 and 7 weeks, respectively. Segments of archwire were investigated by DSC over the temperature range from −100°C to 150°C at 10°C per minute.

Results: There were no significant differences between as-received and clinically used 27°C and 35°C wires for all parameters (heating onset, endset, and enthalpy and cooling onset, endset, and enthalpy), except the 27°C wires exhibited a significant decrease in the heating enthalpy associated with the martensite-to-austenite transition after clinical use. The heating endsets (austenite finish temperatures) of the 27°C and 35°C wires were within 2°C of those claimed by the manufacturer, but the 40°C wires were found to be nearer to 36°C than 40°C.

Conclusions: Clinical use of CuNiTi wires resulted in few differences when compared with as-received wires analyzed by DSC. Two temperature varieties of CuNiTi are reasonably within the parameters of those identified by the manufacturer.


Published version. The Angle Orthodontist, Vol. 77, No. 3 (May 2007): 499-503. DOI. © 2007 The E. H. Angle Education and Research Foundation Inc. Used with permission.

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