"Critical competencies for career counselor supervision" by John P. Lombardo

Critical competencies for career counselor supervision

John P. Lombardo, Marquette University


This study used the Delphi survey method to examine the perceptions of 31 experienced career counselor supervisors with respect to competencies that are critical for effective performance in the specialty area of career counselor supervision. It also examined their perceptions of the qualities of career counselor supervision that made it unique and distinct from supervision of counselors in other counseling specialty areas. The results of this study provide important information about the balance of general clinical supervision competencies and specific career counseling supervision competencies from a field-based supervisor practitioner viewpoint, and it highlights the competency for integrating career issues with other counseling issues. The importance of dispositions as critical competencies is also emphasized. The findings support and extend recent competencies studies in general clinical supervision, and they support and extend recent scholarly work on career counselor supervision. These results, then, provide a field-based practitioner basis for curriculum development in graduate preparation programs, for assessment and credentialing criteria, and for continuing professional development programs of those who would practice in the specialty area of career counselor supervision.

This paper has been withdrawn.