Womens' career pathways to the college presidency: A study of women in two-year technical colleges

Theresa Barry, Marquette University


This is a qualitative study of the career development of four technical college presidents in the Midwest. It examines the factors or influences, both personal and structural, that shape a woman's career path as she moves into the position of a two-year technical president. Richie et al.'s (1997) study, "A theoretical model of highly achieving African American-Black and white women's career development" is used as the framework. Key emergent factors include educational attainment, professional development, and career pathing. This study moved beyond Richie et al.'s study by finding that social class and historical context were critical factors when studying career the career development of technical colleges presidents. The implications of the findings are explored for two-year technical colleges' who want to attract and hold women in the presidency.

Subject Area

Community college education,Womens studies,School administration

Recommended Citation

Barry, Theresa, "Womens' career pathways to the college presidency: A study of women in two-year technical colleges" (2009). Dissertations (1962 - 2010) Access via Proquest Digital Dissertations. AAI3368993.
