A comparison of internalizers, externalizers and normal students using neuropsychological measures
This study was designed to investigate the possible differences between Internalizing, Externalizing and normal children on WISC-R Factors and measures from the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Groups 1 and 2 were selected from a pool of students in an Emotional Disability program and further subdivided into Internalizing and Externalizing using the Teacher Report Form of the Child Behavior Checklist. A third group (controls) was selected from a pool of students based on sub clinical scores on the CBCL. Students were then matched on age (mean = 11.4), SES(mean = 36.0), and Full Scale IQ (mean = 100.1). The matching yielded a total group of 36 subjects with 12 per group. Significant between groups differences were found on the WCST Perseverative Errors (p $<$.001), Categories Achieved (p $<$.01) and on The Third Factor of the WISC-R (p $<$.01). Significant within groups differences were found on the WISC-R Factors (Group 1 VC $>$ FFD, PO $>$ FFD; Group 2 VC $>$ FFD, PO $>$ FFD, PO $>$ VC; Group 3 FFD $>$ PO). Using the four variables that demonstrated a significant difference between groups, a discriminant function analysis was conducted which correctly classified 80.6% of the 36 children based on CBCL groupings. It is concluded that Neuropsychological and Factor comparisons add discriminative power and should be included in assessment.
This paper has been withdrawn.