"The Impact of Technology and Globalization on the Engineering Professi" by Mark Polczynski

Document Type

Conference Proceeding



Publication Date



American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)

Source Publication

Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE North Midwest Sectional Conference


The world needs more engineers, but these engineers must be prepared to function effectively in rapidly-changing global and technical environments. Global changes in technology and society are altering the traditional concept of what it means to be an engineer. This presentation provides an overview of drivers and trends impacting the engineering profession. The concepts summarized in this presentation can aid: 1) practicing and student engineers in planning an educational program that will support a sustainable career; 2) technology-driven industries in preparing effective human resource plans, and 3) educational institutions in evolving curricula suited to the needs of their student and industry customers.


Published version. Published as part of the proceedings of the conference, the 2009 ASEE North Midwest Sectional Conference, 2009. Publisher link. © 2009 American Society for Engineering Education. Used with permission.
