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Innovative Marketing
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The consumer ethnocentrism concept and its measure, the CETSCALE, remain very popular in cross-national research chiefly because they serve as a means to understand consumer attitudes toward imports. But the usage of consumer ethnocentrism and its measure are based on the premise that they have universal or etic properties. Conflicting studies, however, find that the scale's structure is far more complicated than initially believed, and that it may not be uni-dimensional as originally proposed. Is it possible that the consumer ethnocentrism concept and its measure are culture bound? The goal of this study is to resolve this ambiguity.
Recommended Citation
Durvasula, Srinivas and Lysonski, Steven, "Probing the Etic vs. Emic Nature of Consumer Ethnocentrism" (2014). Marketing Faculty Research and Publications. 146.
Published version. Innovative Marketing, Vol. 10, No. 1 (2014): 7-16. Permalink. © 2014 Business Perspectives. Used with permission.