Suggestions For Manipulating and Measuring Involvement in Advertising Message Content
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Format of Original
8 p.
Publication Date
The Association for Consumer Research
Source Publication
Advances in Consumer Research
Source ISSN
Given the recent interest in the theoretical predictions of many involvement-driven frameworks applied in advertising (e.g., the ELM, the Aad model), successfully manipulating and measuring involvement in advertising content is of great importance. Our paper seeks to aid researchers developing their own manipulations and measures of advertising involvement by providing an operational example of manipulated involvement in advertising content. Direct manipulation checks of the manipulated ad involvement condition are provided that successfully meet the requirements of a unidimensional, reliable, and valid measure of advertising content involvement. Implications for those attempting to measure involvement in advertising research are provided.
Recommended Citation
Andrews, J. Craig and Durvasula, Srinivas, "Suggestions For Manipulating and Measuring Involvement in Advertising Message Content" (1991). Marketing Faculty Research and Publications. 160.
Advances in Consumer Research Volume 18, eds. Rebecca H. Holman and Michael R. Solomon, Provo, UT : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 194-201. Publisher link.