"The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: a Novel Assessment" by J. Tyler Friedman and Sebastian Luft
The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: a Novel Assessment

The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: a Novel Assessment



This volume brings Cassirer’s work into the arena of contemporary debates both within and outside of philosophy. All articles offer a fresh and contemporary look at one of the most prolific and important philosophers of the 20th century. The papers are authored by a wide array of scholars working in different areas, such as epistemology, philosophy of culture, sociology, psychopathology, philosophy of science and aesthetics.



Publication Date



Walter De Gruyter






Table of Contents

Editors' Introduction 1

pt. I Cassirer and the Philosophy of Science

Ernst Cassirer and the History of Science / Massimo Ferrari 11

Mathematics to Quantum Mechanics On the Conceptual Unity of Cassirer's Philosophy of Science (1907--1937) / Thomas Mormann 31

A Retrospective View of Determinism and Indeterminism in Modern Physics / Thomas Ryckman 65

Holism and the Constitution of "Experience in its Entirety" Cassirer contra Quine on the Lessons of Duhem / Alan W. Richardson 103

Arithmetic and Number in the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms / Jeremy Heis 123

Intersubjectivity and Physical Laws in Post-Kantian Theory of Knowledge Natorp and Cassirer / Scott Edgar 141

Symbolic Form and Mental Illness: Ernst Cassirer's Contribution to a New Concept of Psychopathology / Norbert Andersch 163

pt. II Epistemology and the History of Philosophy

Marburg Neo-Kantianism as Philosophy of Culture / Samantha Matherne 201

Cassirer and Heidegger: The Cultural-Event The Auseinandersetzung of Thinking and Being / Steve G. Lofts 233

Cassirer's Retrieval of Kant's Copernican Revolution in Semiotics / Pierre Keller 259

The Concept of ̀Function' in Cassirer's Historical, Systematic, and Ethical Writings / Simon Truwant 289

The Varieties of Perception Non-Conceptual Content in Kant, Cassirer, and McDowell / Guido Kreis 313

pt. III The Philosophy of Culture Today

The First and Second Person Perspective in History: Or, Why History is ̀Culture Fiction' / Anne Pollok 341

Cassirer's Critique of Culture and the Several Tasks of the Critic / J. Tyler Friedman 361

The A Priori of Culture: Philosophy of Culture Between Rationalism and Relativism. The Example of Levi-Strauss' Structural Anthropology / Sebastian Lift 381

After Cassirer: Art and Aesthetic Symbols in Langer and Goodman / Curtis L. Carter 401

Humor as a Symbolic Form: Cassirer and the Culture of Comedy / Jennifer Marra 419

Cassirer on the "Objectity" of Evil The Symbolic Constitution of Der Mythus des 20 Jahrhunderts / Fabien Capeilleres 435

Subject index 469

Index of names 473

The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: a Novel Assessment
