"The Elgar Companion to Social Economics" by John B. Davis and Wilfred Dolfsma
The Elgar Companion to Social Economics

The Elgar Companion to Social Economics



As this comprehensive Companion demonstrates, social economics is a dynamic and growing field that emphasizes the key role that values play in the economy and in economic life. Social economics treats the economy and economics as being embedded in the larger web of social and ethical relationships. It also regards economics and ethics as essentially connected, and adds values such as justice, fairness, dignity, well-being, freedom and equality to the standard emphasis on efficiency. The Elgar Companion to Social Economics brings together the leading contributors in the field to elucidate a wide range of recent developments across different subject areas and topics. In so doing the contributors also map the likely trends and directions of future research. This Companion will undoubtedly become a leading reference source and guide to social economics for many years to come.

Providing concise discussion and an indication of what to expect in future decades, this interdisciplinary Companion will be of great interest to students and academics of social economics and socio-economics, as well as institutional, evolutionary and heterodox economics. It will also appeal to management scholars and those concerned with business ethics.



Publication Date



Edward Elgar






Social economics : an introduction and a view of the field / John B. Davis and Wilfred Dolfsma --

Environment and sustainability / Jouni Paavola and Inge Røpke --

Institutions, culture and value / Anne Mayhew --

Insecurity / John Vail --

The ethical dimensions of the 'globalization thesis' debate / George DeMartino --

Individual preferences and decision-making / Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap --

The conception of the socially embedded individual / John B. Davis --

The social dimension of internal conflict / David George --

The socio-economics of consumption : solutions to the problems of interest, knowledge and identity / Metin M. Coşgel --

Capabilities and well-being / Irene van Staveren --

Culture, values and institutions / Paul D. Bush --

Caste and diversity in India / Ashwini Deshpande --

Feminism and/in economics / Edith Kuiper --

Income distribution and inequality / Frank A. Cowell --

The social economics of growth and income inequality / Morris Altman --

Markets / Geoffrey M. Hodgson --

Are markets everywhere? Understanding contemporary processes of commodification / Luis Francisco Carvalho and João Rodrigues --

Work : its social meanings and role in provisioning / Deborah M. Figart and Ellen Mutari --

Firms : collective action and its supportive values / Helena Lopes and José Castro Caldas --

Knowledge spillover entrepreneurship and innovation in large and small firms / David B. Audretsch and Max Keilbach --

Firms, managers and restructuring : implications of a social economics view / Hans Schenk --

Social capital : a critique and extension / Nicolas Sirven --

Social networks : structure and content / Wilfred Dolfsma and Rick Aalbers --

Communication in the economy : the example of innovation / Stefan Kesting --

Methodological approaches in economics and anthropology / Pranab Bardhan and Isha Ray --

Saving, stock market investments and pension systems / Martha A. Starr --

Monetary policy / Sheila C. Dow --

Banking, finance and money : a social economics approach / L. Randall Wray --

Global finance and development : false starts, dead ends and social economic alternatives / Ilene Grabel --

The welfare state and privatization / Robert McMaster --

The states of social economics / Charlie Dannreuther and Oliver Kessler --

Law and social economics : a Coasean perspective / David Campbell and Matthias Klaes --

Social law and economics and the quest for dignity and rights / Mark D. White --

Technology and long waves in economic growth / Alfred Kleinknecht and Gerben van der Panne --

Analysing regional development : from territorial innovation to path-dependent geography / Frank Moulaert and Abid Mehmood --

Radical institutionalism / William M. Dugger --

Exploitation and surplus / Phillip Anthony O'Hara.

The Elgar Companion to Social Economics
