"Towards Developing a Trust-Based Security Solution" by Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Donghyun Kim et al.

Towards Developing a Trust-Based Security Solution

Document Type

Conference Proceeding



Format of Original

2 p.

Publication Date



Association for Computing Machinery

Source Publication

Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing

Source ISSN


Original Item ID

doi: 10.1145/1529282.1529769


Wireless sensor network has emerged as a new information and data gathering paradigm based on the collaborative efforts of a large number of autonomous sensing devices. With small memories and processors, limited energy and tiny packets, sensor networks cannot afford traditional luxury security solutions; this limitation causes security threats. There are several important security challenges, including access control, message integrity and confidentiality, and trust solutions that require us to use a careful design of resource constraints for pursuing more enhanced security solutions for a wireless sensor network. In this paper, we present a new idea of persistent security solutions that support trust for general purpose Wireless Sensor Networks.


Published as part of the proceedings of the conference, the 2009 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2009: 2204-2205. DOI.
