Date of Award

Spring 1956

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Conley, William H.

Second Advisor

Mouly, George J.

Third Advisor

O'Brien, Cyril C.


In a recent church news release, all American church bodies, Catholic and Protestant, were described as being in dire need of more clergymen to fill existing vacancies. One of the reasons for this shortage lies in the large number of young men who begin preparing for the ministry but never finish. Why don't they? What leads them to discontinue? What happens to them after they discontinue? Do they develop into active laymen in the church? These are some of the questions which prompted this study of students in the '45 to '55 classes who discontinued their work at Concordia College before graduation. Although this is only the beginning of a much more comprehensive study which should be made, we hope some significant trends can be indicated by the results.



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