"Stages Throughout the Ages: An Appreciation of the Outstanding Theatr" by Mary Charles Mohler

Date of Award

Summer 1945

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




My Object in writing this thesis has been two-fold: first, to offer to dramatic art students in general a comprehensive view of theatre architecture and design together with some knowledge of the outstanding contributors to the great art of theatre; and second, to provide the teacher of drama with a first-aid compendium of information about theatres through the ages, bringing together material which as it exists in print now, has been scattered through a hundred or more books and magazine articles. No attempt has been made to treat each age in detail; the material offered here is hardly more than a preliminary essay in a field which I hope will attract students interested in dramatic art. May it prove an incentive toward a more comprehensive study of this most fascinating and complex of all arts, the Theatre.



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