"The Current Status of Speech Therapy and Language Development for the " by Maris Stella Marguglio

Date of Award

Summer 1966

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Sokolnicki, Alfred

Second Advisor

Nielsen, Karen


In the field of speech pathology, both the therapist and the researcher find themselves dealing with many problems, ranging from serious to mild, with outcomes varying from successful to apparent failure. Perhaps no one type of problem has presented more of a challenge to this clinical field than that of mental retardation. With recent emphasis being placed on education and rehabilitation for this group, the speech pathologist finds himself presented with an added challenge, whose outcome is still in the making by researchers and clinicians alike. It was the purpose of this paper to attempt to aid and direct attention to the role that the speech pathologist can play in the education and rehabilitation of the retardates. In no way does the author pretend to solve the many problems or come up with answers to the vast sea of questions still under deliberation, experimentation and examination. It was the aim of the author to contribute to the growing literature in this field and perhaps stimulate fellow therapists to take an active interest in the speech and language problems of the retarded child and adolescent.



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