"The Role of Uncertainty Reduction on Levels of Communication Apprehens" by Katherine Kim Gidlund

Date of Award

Fall 1987

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Ksobiech, Kenneth

Second Advisor

Turner, Lynn

Third Advisor

Price, Michael


The purpose of this study is to examine the role played by uncertainty reduction in the public speaking context. Past research had pointed to a possible relationship between communication apprehension and uncertainty (Parks et al., 1980; McCroskey, 1981). In this study , the existance of that relationship in communication involving public speaking will be examined. The task of examining the relationship between communication apprehension and uncertainty is being undertaken in this study for three reasons: one, to see if the theory of uncertainty reduction can be applied outside the context of interpersonal communication; two, to look at communication involving public speaking from a developmental perspective; and three, to focus attention on a possible mental process which might affect levels of communication apprehension .



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