"Special Problems in Teaching the 'Fundamentals Course in Speech' to No" by M. Clare Edward Whalen

Date of Award

Summer 1955

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Sokolnicki, Alfred

Second Advisor

Staudacher, Joseph M.

Third Advisor

Hellman, Hugo


This study attempts to discover adaptations in conducting a 'Fundamentals course in Speech' in a novitiate of religious sisters. Procedures included an examination of the contribution of speech education to the total novitiate program; a study of principles and conclusions in current speech texts, factors of students age and education, novitiate environment, and limitations of a one semester course; and a survey of the present status of speech education in one-hundred novitates of religious sisters in the United States. The experience of the author, contact with religious from a number of communities, and absence of any published surveys or studies of the problem in United States novitiates prove that, to date, there has been no investigation made in this field.



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