"Some Present-Day Problems in the Education of Teaching Sisters in the " by Mary Richardine Quirk

Date of Award

Spring 1953

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Treacy, John

Second Advisor

O'Brien, Cyril C.

Third Advisor

Mauly, George J.


The purpose of this study has been to investigate some of the major problems which exist t the present day in giving adequate pre-service training to religious teachers, adequate to prepare them for professional life and to enable them to realise their own personal lives the spiritual possibilities of teaching as a vocation.

As a member of the Survey Committee of the Teacher-Education Section of the College and University Department of the National Catholic Educational Association in 1952, the writer shared the work of conducting a national survey on the preparation of religious teachers. This survey was concerned with current policies and practices, desired goals, and obstacles in the attainment of these goals in the education of teaching Sisters. A critical analysis of significant data derived from the survey is presented in this thesis.



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