"The Lebesgue Integral" by Madeline L. Kennedy

Date of Award

Spring 1960

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

First Advisor

Pettit, Harvey

Second Advisor

Heider, J. L.


The concept of Lebesque integration has seemingly been reserved for students of advanced study. It is my aim to define and interpret the theory for the student of lesser advancement. I am assuming the reader has had an introductory course in the differential and integral calculus. The merit of the Riemannian integral is that it leads to numerical results. The functions in ordinary applications are bounded and continuous except possibly at a finite number of points, and hence are integrable in the sense of Riemann. For these functions the Lebesque integral equals the Riemann. However, the Lebesque integral is a generalization of the Riemann integral; it is applicable to bounded or unbounded functions and to infinite or finite ranges of integration. Consequently, the use of the integral calculus in applied or theoretical mathematics is readily translated to the Lebesque sense. Some knowledge of measure theory seems to be an advantage in this presentation. Hence, I have approached this treatise with some basic facts on the theory of measure and sets. After lengthy consideration of other developments, the following presentation seemed to me the best approach from an elementary standpoint.



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