Date of Award

Spring 1942

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Fundamentally a varnish can be defined as a colloidal solution of resins (gums) and drying oils in volatile solvents. Volatile solvents are added merely for ease of application and play no part in the chemistry of the varnish. Driers are also added as a general rule, their presence facilitating the oxidation of the varnish film after application and after evaporation of the volatile solvents. This oxidation results in drying. As seen from this definition, the two main ingredients of a varnish are drying oils and gums or resins. A brief outline of each of these two main constituents, together with the location of their source of supply if natural, and their chief ingredients if synthetic, will be given. This will be followed by a discussion of the physical and chemical properties of the resins and drying oils. Their present day demand and availability will then be considered. In an attempt to find a substitute for some of these gums which are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain, a study was undertaken of the physical and chemical properties of the thermal polymer of monocyclo- and dicyclopentadiene and of several modifications of this polydicyclopentadiene resin.



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