Date of Award

Summer 1948

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




In any attempt to identify the parasitic protozoan, Entamoeba histolytica Schaudinn 1, the student of protozoology and the novice laboratory clinician usually rely upon the descriptions provided them in the various manuals and textbooks of protozoology and parasitology. A perusal of these descriptions has revealed that therein the nuclear structure is regarded as being of great diagnostic significance. The taxonomist considers the nuclear structure (as it appears in haematoxylin-stained preparations) the primary criterion for differentiating between the various species of amoebae which occur in man. However, confusion frequently attends the discovery of nuclear patterns which do not conform to that described for E. histolytica. Such observations have even led, on occasion, to the conclusion by some that other species of amoebae were present, when such was not the case. A consultation of the literature which is readily available to students usually yields no mention or description of these atypical forms. If, in such works, atypical forms are mentioned as occurring, little description of them accompanies the notation. The present study purports to furnish a catalogue of atypical nuclear patterns, accompanied wherever possible by interpretations of the factors involved in the production of such aberrations. Such a catalogue may prove of value to students and novice laboratory technicians by aiding in the recognition and diagnosis of this protozoan.



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