"International Arbitration: A comparative study of the AAA and ICC rule" by Igor M. Borba

Date of Award

Fall 2009

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Political Science

First Advisor

Barrington, Lowel

Second Advisor


Third Advisor

Schneider, Andrea


Arbitration has been used throughout history as an alternative dispute resolution method with great success. Today, arbitration is commonly used in international trade related disputes as one of the most common dispute resolution methods. In this thesis I will examine some of the most important international treaties and laws that regulate this dispute resolution method, such as the New York Convention, Uncitral Model Law, as well as the Federal Arbitration Act. The two main international arbitration institutions are the main focus of this thesis. The international arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) are analyzed, as well as a selection of cases of each one of these institutions. I offer some suggestions in order to make these rules even more effective; analyze how well each of these institutions reaches its goals, and provide a theoretical perspective regarding non-governmental organizations that deal with international arbitration.