Date of Award

Spring 2014

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Fyke, Jeremy P.

Second Advisor

Feldner, Sarah B.

Third Advisor

D'Urso, Scott


This study explored the identification process of employees within the national offices of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). This research explored identification as an attachment process to particular identity structures (e.g., individual, work group, occupational, and organizational). Findings illustrated particular tensions that emerged during the identification process. The role of faith-based organization, as well as, non-traditional organizational structures was accounted for in the identification process. Results of this study provided some immediate and practical implications for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in their identity building efforts. Most notable, was the relevance of uncovering the identity resources in the attachment process of identification. That is, by realizing to what employees attach the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) will be able to collectively form an established and relevant organizational identity.