Date of Award

Spring 2015

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Brown, Ronald H.

Second Advisor

Corliss, George F.

Third Advisor

Susan C. Schneider,


This thesis presents a new method of estimating the one-in-N low temperature threshold using a non-parametric statistical method called kernel density estimation applied to daily average wind-adjusted temperatures. We apply our One-in-N Algorithm to local gas distribution companies (LDCs), as they have to forecast the daily natural gas needs of their consumers. In winter, demand for natural gas is high. Extreme low temperature events are not directly related to an LDCs gas demand forecasting, but knowledge of extreme low temperatures is important to ensure that an LDC has enough capacity to meet customer demands when extreme low temperatures are experienced. We present a detailed explanation of our One-in-N Algorithm and compare it to the methods using the generalized extreme value distribution, the normal distribution, and the variance-weighted composite distribution. We show that our One-in-N Algorithm estimates the one-in-N low temperature threshold more accurately than the methods using the generalized extreme value distribution, the normal distribution, and the variance-weighted composite distribution according to root mean square error (RMSE) measure at a 5% level of signicance. The One-in-N Algorithm is tested by counting the number of times the daily average wind-adjusted temperature is less than or equal to the one-in-N low temperature threshold.

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Analysis Commons