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Canadian Dental Association
Source Publication
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association
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Intrusive luxation of primary teeth carries a high risk of damage to underlying permanent tooth germs. Ectopic eruption of permanent incisors is an unusual outcome of traumatic injury to their predecessors. In this case report, we describe the multidisciplinary management of the consequences of a primary tooth intrusion that led to severe ectopic eruption of the permanent left central incisor in a horizontal position at the level of the labial sulcus.
Recommended Citation
Canoglu, Ebru; Akcan, Cenk Ahmet; Baharoglu, Erdinç; Güngör, H. Cem; and Cehreli, Zafer C., "Unusual Ectopic Eruption of a Permanent Central Incisor Following an Intrusion Injury to the Primary Tooth" (2008). School of Dentistry Faculty Research and Publications. 468.
Published version. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, Vol. 74, No. 8 (October 2008): 723-726. Permalink. © 2008 Canadian Dental Association. Used with permission.
H. Cem Güngör was affiliated with Hacettepe University at the time of publication.