Date of Award

Fall 1997

Document Type

Dissertation - Restricted

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Edwards, Richard A.

Second Advisor

Hills, Julian V.

Third Advisor

Hinze, Bradford E.


The original motivation for studying Luke 5: 1-11 was to determine why this pericope reads so differently from its Markan source, I: 16-20. Researching into the scholarly literature indicated some reasonable explanations within the traditional historical-critical methodologies. The challenge then was to determine if any new insights could be gained as to why Luke's version of the Synoptic Gospel tradition of the call of the first disciple.s has such a singular focus on Simon Peter. To accomplish this task, the relatively recent method of narrative criticism was applied. While the traditional historical-critical methodologies (e.g., source, fonn, redaction) have been, throughout much of this century, practiced and refined by biblical exegetes, narrative criticism has been applied to the gospels and Acts only since the 1980s. Some methodological problems still need to be resolved, e.g., its application varies among different scholars, often other methodologies are supplemented with the narrative-critical methodology without an acknowledged distinction, and key terms and concepts frequently have their own nuanced meaning, depending on the exegete's personal preference. Applying a narrative analysis to Luke 5: 1-11 became a challenge to navigate through these issues as well as provide some new insights into this pericope. The purpose of this study therefore is first, explain why the Lukan version of the call of the first disciples has such a singular focus on Simon Peter. And then second, in explaining the unique features of Luke 5: 1-11, apply a narrative-critical methodology that maintains the distinctiveness that a 'pure' narrative analysis can offer. The prescribed editorial style of the CBQ is followed throughout this dissertation.



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