Date of Award
Spring 1994
Document Type
Dissertation - Restricted
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Educational Policy and Leadership
First Advisor
Zaffrann, Ron
Second Advisor
Rusch, Kathleen
Third Advisor
Nordberg, Robert
The relationship between sexual and religious development has long been an interest to the researcher. Having been primarily a student of religion and theology, there has always been a parallel interest in the contribution of social science to systems of religious thinking. The present study is an outgrowth of such an interest in attempting to explore the relationship of religious thought processes to sexual processes. While the scope of the study is limited to the sexually addicted population, the intent is to begin a process of inductive investigation into the formative messages that may have been a factor in the development of disordered behaviors in the realm of sexuality. Through the identification from self-description of religious themes, attitudes, and their relationship to one's sense of sexual and bodily image, the study's purpose was to provide a foundation for the ongoing dialogue between religion and sexuality.