Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration (MBA)


Business Administration

First Advisor

Francis J. Calkins


The study of the history of banking from the Revolution to the Civil War, must of necessity, be presented in terms of a series of events. But, it is not enough simply, to be aware of these events. To have a fuller understanding it is necessary to know the causes, ie. the feelings, the beliefs and the desires of the people. Such knowledge gives the events meaning.

The control of banking, coupled with its form and method of operation, were chosen as the framework for these events, because, it was felt that these functions would most accurately depict the wishes of the people of the period toward the institutions in question.

As this. paper is read, it is hoped that the reader will become more aware of the multiplicity and complexity of the causes of the various changes: the impact of politics, of economic and professional status, of the origin and attitudes of the colonists, frontiersmen and settlers, of the greed of some and the honor and integrity of others and of the dreams and farsightedness of some great men and the ignorance of others.

The changing picture of American banking is important, not only of itself but as a reflection of the economic status I needs and level of maturity of the American scene.
