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Line-by-line database for CO2, H2O, CO, CH4, C2H4, and Soot. Gas data based on HITEMP 2010 (CO, CO2, H2O) and HITRAN 2012 (CH4, C2H4). Soot data is based on Chang-Charalampopoulos correlation. Please note that the total archive size is approximately 19 GB.


Document Type: Numeric data

Data Format: .tgz

Viewing Instructions: All data along with associated instructions are archived in two tar archives (one for 0.1-0.4 atm, and the other for 0.5-0.9 atm). Files within the archive contains binary database (archived as gunzipped tar archived) and a code snippet for reading the database.

Related publications:
Ren, T. and Modest, M. “Line-by-Line Random-Number Database for Monte Carlo Simulations of Radiation in Combustion System”, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 141, 022701 (2019).

License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0

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