Date of Award

Fall 1977

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Jones, Leo

Second Advisor

Parr, Roger

Third Advisor

Price, Michael J.


PLAYWRITING: The Process of Self- Discovery is a descriptive thesis in exploring the creative developmental stages of play construction through assimilating dramatic theory and technique with the clarification of personal vision and aims. Throughout this process, from the initial compulsion to produce a dramatic structure, to the final appreciation and perception of all elements in proper synchronization, numerous skills are individually refined. Initial concerns range from a subconscious need for self-actualization and mental purgation to attempts at illustrating spectacle for effect. Intermediate stages include developing and refining dialogue and understanding the interrelation between character, environment and action, until finally the ability to perceive the inner core, or scenario, at the heart of dramatic presentation, coupled with proper respect for a professional attitude and discipline, is achieved. Free exploration and free experimentation in conjunction with the application of dramatic principles gleaned from textual analysis, have yielded the necessary balance desired to hatch creative productivity. Although many books furnished directives, the text/ course entitled, Playwriting: The Structure of Action, by Sam Smiley, provided the most.



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