Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)




Mary was born to Katherine of Aragon and Henry VIII of England at Greenwich, February 18,1516. Cardinal Wolsey was chosen as the godfather of the ill-fated princess who later because of religious fanaticism was to be branded in the annals of history as "Bloody Mary." About the time of Mary's birth it would have been considered heresy to question papal authority; the Church of England did not exist, even in the most fantastic dreams of an Englishman. In fact, Henry VIII wrote a refutation of Lutheranism entitled "Defense of the Seven Sacraments." For this zeal on behalf of the Catholic Faith when the Reformation first started on the Continent, the Pope honored Henry by conferring upon him the title of "Defender of the Faith" This title Henry proudly used even after he had denied papal authority. Nor for years to come was there any hint of the tragedy which was to blight the life of Mary and her Mother. The princess was educated as befit one of her rank; Katherine, herself was well educated and selected the finest masters for her daughter. The early part of Mary's education was given by the Queen. The King and Queen were very proud of their precocious daughter who at a tender age could speak Latin, French, and Spanish, as well as her mother tongue fluently. Mary was permitted to meet men of state and foreign representatives who greatly admired the talented princess with whom they discussed many matters of national interest. The king often received Mary at court and always treated her with great affection.


A Thesis submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Degree of Bachelor of Arts.

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History Commons
