Number 42
Table of Contents and Contact Information
Editorial Board
From the Editor: What 50 Years may Mean
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
The Council's Spirit: Vatican II: The Time for Reconciliation
John W. O'Malley
The "New" Jesuits: The Response to the Society of Jesus to Vatican II, 1962-2012: Some Alacrity, Some Resistance
Patrick Howell, S.J.
Catholics Are "Just Like Everyone Else?": The Council and Catholic Conviction
Stephen M. Fields, S.J.
Vatican II: Text and Context: Its Impact is Just Beginning
Massimo Faggioli
Photo Collage: Marquette University
Editorial Board
How Vatican II Helped Jesuits Do Their Job
Tyler Flynn
The Courses Were Taught in Latin: Philosophy Studies in Jesuit Formation Universities Before and After the Second Vatican Council
Stephen Rowntree, S.J.
The Very Fabric of our Society: Liberal Arts and the Jesuit University
Michael Madrinkian
Diversity in Action: Beyond Interfaith Dialogue: The Brueggeman Center at Xavier University
James P. Buchanan
Reports: DREAM and Tears at USF
Sara Pendergast
Reports: The Mission of Scholarship: The Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University
John L. Esposito
Forum: Things My Father Taught Me: A Hindu Among the Jesuits
Nagarajan Vijaya
Forum: Being a "Jewish Jesuit"
Rabbi Ruth Langer
Forum: Two Voices: Grace Knows No Boundaries
WIlburn T. Stancil
Photo Collage: College of the Holy Cross
Editorial Board
Reports: The Retreat Master is - GOD! The Ignatian Spiritual Heritage Reanimated for Today's Higher Education Challenges
Howard Gray, S.J.
Ecumenical, Interreligious and Global: the Future is Lutheran Buddhist?
Michael Reid Trice
Men and Women for Others Across Disciplines: Must Faculty Who Pursue Justice "Pay the Price"?
Mary Beth Combs
Book Review: Catholic Social Learning, Educating the Faith That Does Justice, Roger Bergman
C. Michael Bryce
The Church Has Lost its Way: A Renewed Commitment to Service
Christopher Kennedy
Letters: Didn't Face the Issues
Richard T. McClelland
Talking Back: Jesuit Community Colleges? "Think Outside the Box"... In Support for Fr. General Nichols
Harry R. Dammer
Members of the National Seminar on Jesuit Higher Education
Editorial Board
A Note to Contributors
Editorial Board
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Editorial Board