Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education | Journals | Marquette University

Conversations is published twice-yearly to coincide with the start of the fall and spring semesters. First, each issue is written to stimulate the campus dialogue – through departmental discussions or faculty symposiums – on the pursuit of various ideals. Second, through our various departments – feature articles, forums, book reviews, reports, and Talking Back – we want to keep the conversation going to build on the progress we have made. Our members, representing various institutions and disciplines, visit three colleges and universities a year and listen to groups of faculty and students in order to decide the themes for each issue. Articles are solicited from across the country to explore many varied topics, from the core curriculum and hiring for mission to global vision, social media and diversity.

Number 54



It's OK to Talk About These Things
Abigail Gosselin, Janet Houser, and Loretta K. Notareschi


Shattering my OCD Prison
Joseph Harrison


Up or Down - Both God's Gifts
Stephen C. Rowntree S.J.


A Medium for Social Health
Paola Pascual-Ferra


Undocumented: The Stress of Status
Terry-Ann Jones and Laura Nichols


LGBTQ Mental Health
Jodi O'Brien


Back Cover
Editorial Board