Document Type




Format of Original

14 p.

Publication Date



Taylor & Francis

Source Publication

Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce

Source ISSN


Original Item ID

doi: 10.1080/10919392.2014.956597


Negotiations research has identified both economic and social-psychological outcomes are important for negotiations. Despite the economic advantages of having multiple issues to negotiate, inconsistencies exist between objective economic outcomes and negotiator satisfaction. Although having more negotiable issues yields better objective payoffs, it can result in more thoughts about different possible outcomes. Such counterfactual thoughts about different outcomes can reduce overall satisfaction due to increased cognitive complexity and thoughts about different outcomes. In this study, we explore how information technology can influence negotiator satisfaction and better manage counterfactual thoughts and post-negotiation satisfaction. Results support the prediction that having a computer aid to better manage cognitively complex issues, even a relatively simple one, reduces participants’ counterfactual thoughts about better possible outcomes. As a result, the use of some type of technology—even a simple technology such as a spreadsheet—may improve overall negotiator satisfaction, while maintaining desirable economic outcomes.


Accepted version. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, Vol. 24, No. 4 (2014): 297-311. DOI. © 2014 Taylor & Francis. Used with permission.

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