A Heart for the Future: Reflections on the Christian Hope
Document Type
Contribution to Book
Publication Date
Church Publishing
Source Publication
A Heart for the Future: Writings on the Christian Hope
Source ISSN
Prominent thinkers, writers, and well-known voices in the Episcopal Church come together to present a very broad spectrum of Christian thought and eschatology. Ultimately, what they have in common is the belief that the choice Christian must make is not between the now and the eternal; it is between being forward-looking and being back-ward looking. Unless we look with eagerness and longing toward the future, we will stay stranded in the past. To live the Christian life today, we need a heart for the future.
Recommended Citation
Slocum, Robert Boak, "A Heart for the Future: Reflections on the Christian Hope" (2004). Theology Faculty Research and Publications. 102.
Robert Boak Slocum. "A Heart for the Future: Reflections on the Christian Hope" in A Heart for the Future, Writings on the Christian Hope. New York: Church Pub., 2004: 1-30. Publisher Link.