The Theology Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's theology faculty.
Submissions from 2023
Absolution: Divine and Human, Cathal Doherty
Dialogue after Dobbs: Introduction, M. Therese Lysaught, Mari Rapela Heidt, Mary Doyle Roche, and Kate Ward
An Interdisciplinary Theological Method from the Knowledge of the Forgotten, Alexandre A. Martins
Submissions from 2022
Organizational Implications of Pope Francis’ Integral Ecology, Frank J. Barrett and Ryan G. Duns
Calendar (Encyclopedia entry), Joshua Ezra Burns
Philo of Alexandria, Eunomius of Cyzicus, and Gregory of Nyssa on Divine Names and Power(s), Michael B. Cover
Living Mysteries: Embodiment of Divine Knowledge in Jewish Apocalypticism, Andrei Orlov
Worthless Secrets: Corruption of Cosmological Knowledge in the Enochic Tradition, Andrei Orlov
Experiences of Muslim Mothers of Children with Disabilities: A Qualitative Study, Enaya Othman, Lee Za Ong, Irfan A. Omar, Abir K. Bekhet, and Janan Najeeb
Disciplining Wonder in the Orthodox Christian Tradition, Marcus Plested
Mysticism in the Orthodox Christian Tradition, Marcus Plested
Venerating Earth: Three Sacramental Perspectives, Jame Schaefer
Submissions from 2021
Monotheism: Rabbinic Judaism, Joshua Ezra Burns
Karl Ernst Richter’s Schwickert Edition: An Opera omnia for Its Season, Michael B. Cover
Of Dreams and Editions: Emendations, Conjectures, and Marginal Glosses in David Hoeschel’s Copy of De somniis 2, Michael B. Cover
Review of Philo of Alexandria and Greek Myth: Narratives, Allegories, and Arguments, Michael B. Cover
The Conversion and Return of Simon Peter (Luke 22: 31–32), Michael B. Cover
Review of Layer by Layer: A Primer on Biblical Archaeology by Ellen White, Deirdre Dempsey
From Quandary Cases to Ordinary Life: New Opportunities to Connect Social Ethics and Health Care Ethics, Conor M. Kelly
Review of Catholic Perspectives on Sex, Love, and Families, Conor M. Kelly
Thank God for Free Time: A Leisure Examen, Conor M. Kelly
The Streaming Era Ruined Our Free Time. Is It Too Late to Reclaim It?, Conor M. Kelly
Desafíos Éticos de una Crisis Mundial: una Crisis Latente, su Manifestación (Covid-19) y Consideraciones a Partir de la Ética Social Católica, Alexandre A. Martins
Global Bioethics in a Pandemic: A Dialogical Approach, Alexandre A. Martins
Thoughts on My Time at TST, Joseph Ogbonnaya
Erich Przywara on Nature-Grace Extrinsicism: A Parallax View, Aaron Pidel
Ratzinger on Lessing’s "Ugly Broad Ditch": Augustinian Ressourcement and Modern Rationalism, Aaron Pidel
Twentieth-Century Orthodox Reception of Aquinas, Marcus Plested
Submissions from 2020
Historically, Was Jesus's Mother from a Priestly Family?, Michael B. Cover
Philo of Alexandria and early Judaism in Biblical Research: The Contributions of Ralph Marcus, Earle Hilgert, and Thomas H. Tobin, SJ, Michael B. Cover
¿Un nuevo fragmento de Quaestiones in Exodum de Filón en las recientemente descubiertas Homiliae in Psalmos de Orígenes? Una nota preliminar, Michael B. Cover
Redemption as End and Redemption as Mediation, Robert M. Doran
A Crisis of Mistaken Identity: The Ethical Insufficiency of the Corporate University Model, Conor M. Kelly
Everyday Solidarity: A Framework for Integrating Theological Ethics and Ordinary Life, Conor M. Kelly
Freedom from, Freedom For: Universal Basic Income and Catholic Social Teaching, Conor M. Kelly
Litigation to Access Health Services: Ally or Enemy of Global Public Health?, Alexandre A. Martins and Sydney Allen
Imago diaboli? Luther's Anthropological Holism, Mickey Mattox
Lessons From “Fratelli Tutti” for the Contemporary United States, Vincent J. Millwer, Kate Ward, Drew Christiansen, Kevin Ahern, and C. Vanessa White
Ecclesiological Developments in the Majority World, Joseph Ogbonnaya
Which Moses? Jewish Background of Jesus' Transfiguration, Andrei Orlov
Divine Compassion and Divine Punishment, Aaron Pidel
Review of On Self-Harm, Narcissism, Atonement and the Vulnerable Christ, by David Vincent Meconi, Aaron Pidel
Eastern Orthodox Perspectives, Marcus Plested
Plurality as "the Grace of Secularity:" Reform, God's Transcendence, and the Horizons of Otherness, Philip J. Rossi
Review of Monastic Education in Late Antiquity: The Transformation of Classical Paideia, Jeanne-Nicole Saint-Laurent
Review of The Syrian Orthodox Christians in the Late Ottoman Period and Beyond: Crisis then Revival, Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent
A Theologically Grounded Ethic to Support Scientific Knowledge, Jame Schaefer
Review of Care for the World: Laudato Si’ and Catholic Social Thought in an Era of Climate Crisis by Frank Pasquale, Jame Schaefer
The Efficacy of Using SCB Guidelines to Facilitate Conservation Science-Faith Collaboration: Experiences in the Field, Jame Schaefer, Kit Magellan, Robert Sluka, Shekhar Kolipaka, Oscar Gonzalez, Akmal Arif Mohd Razali, Gopalasamy Reuben Clements, and Chantal Elkin
Review of Martyrs of Hope, John Thiede
During this Primary Election, Vote for Family Justice, Kate Ward
For Catholic Social Thought, Basic Income Gets Work, Wealth, and Family Right, Kate Ward
Review of Consumer Ethics in a Global Economy: How Buying Here Causes Injustice There, Kate Ward
Universal Basic Income and Work in Catholic Social Thought, Kate Ward
Virtue and Human Fragility, Kate Ward
Wealth, Poverty, and Personal Holiness, Kate Ward
Wealthy Hyperagency in the Throwaway Culture: Inequality and Environmental Death, Kate Ward
Submissions from 2019
Use of the Spiritual Development Framework in Conducting Spirituality and Health Research with Adolescents, Dora L. Clayton-Jones, Kristin Haglund, Jame Schaefer, Harold C. Koenig, and Safiya George Dalmida
Grace at the End of Life: Rethinking Ordinary and Extraordinary Means in a Global Context, Conor M. Kelly
The Imperative Connection between Scripture and Ethics in a Catholic Context, Conor M. Kelly
The Nature and Operation of Structural Sin: Additional Insights from Theology and Moral Psychology, Conor M. Kelly
The Necessity of the Humanities at a Catholic University: A Theological Defense, Conor M. Kelly
The Leipzig Debate: a Reformation Turning Point, Volker Leppin and Mickey L. Mattox
Ethics and Public Discourse: Building a Bridge between Theology and the Destitute Sick, Alexandre A. Martins
John’s Gospel and the Ethics of Freedom and Love, Alexandre A. Martins
Simone Weil’s Radical Ontology of Rootedness: Natural and Supernatural Justices, Alexandre A. Martins
The Leftist Political Parties in Light of Simone Weil's Criticism: The Workers' Party Case, Alexandre A. Martins
Catholic Social Ethics and Public Health: Searching for a Liberating Bioethics, Alexandre Andrade Martins
From Vatican II to Amoris Laetitia: The Catholic Social and Sexual Ethics Division and A Way of Ecclesial Interconnection, Alexandre Andrade Martins
The Luther the Cardinal Did Not Know: Occasional Notes on the Luther of Recent Research, Mickey L. Mattox
A Catholic Response to “ ‘Do Not Quench the Spirit’: Charisms in the Life and Mission of the Church”, Joseph Mueller
Francisco Suárez on Religion and Religious Pluralism, Aaron Pidel
The Church of the "Few" for the "Many": Ratzinger's Missiology of Representation, Aaron Pidel
A Response to Professor Levering, Marcus Plested
Thomas Aquinas and John of Damascus on the Light of the Transfiguration: Can We Speak of a Greek Patristic Turn in Thomas?, Marcus Plested
Review of Kant and the Question of Theology, edited by Chris L. Firestone, Nathan A. Jacobs and James H. Joiner, Philip Rossi
The Ethical Commonwealth, the "Son of God," and the Social Empowerment of Human Freedom, Philip Rossi
Educating for Ecological Responsibility: Bernard Lonergan, Pope Francis, and a Local Case Study Prompted by a Global Reality, Jame Schaefer
Linking Science, Religious and Indigenous Communities for Environmental Care, Jame Schaefer
Overview, Significance, and Outcomes: Using Guidelines for Interacting with Faith-Based Leaders and Communities, Jame Schaefer
Book Review: Gerardo Aste, SJ: Dando razones de nuestra esperanza: III—Jesús, el hombre que es Dios, John Thiede
Catholic Teaching Changes: Women in the Workplace, Kate Ward
Scotosis and Structural Inequality: The Dangers of Bias in a Globalized Age, Kate Ward
Solidarity, Kate Ward
Virtue Ethics in Social Contexts, Kate Ward
Thinking and Feeling with the Church (Sentire Cum Ecclesia), Susan K. Wood
Submissions from 2018
Gendered Language and the Construction of Jewish Identity in 2 Maccabees, Joshua Ezra Burns
A New Fragment of Philo’s Quaestiones in Exodum in Origen’s Newly Discovered Homilies on the Psalms? A Preliminary Note, Michael B. Cover
Review of Paul and the Gift by John M. G. Barclay, Michael B. Cover
Review of Philo of Alexandria: An Intellectual Biography by Maren R. Niehoff, Michael B. Cover
The Death of Tragedy: The Form of God in Euripedes's Bacchae and Paul’s Carmen Christi, Michael B. Cover
The Divine Comedy at Corinth: Paul, Menander and the Rhetoric of Resurrection, Michael B. Cover
Zora Neale Hurston’s Moses, Man of the Mountain and Biblical Studies, Deirdre Dempsey
Feminist Ethics: Evaluating the Hookup Culture (Book chapter), Conor M. Kelly
On Pediatric Vaccines and Catholic Social Teaching, Conor M. Kelly
Book Review of On Love, Confession, Surrender and the Moral Self, by Ian Clausen, Andrew J. Kim
Lumen Gentium and Unity in Christ, Andrew J. Kim