Poetry and Accounting: “What Is It You Plan to Do with Your One Wild and Precious Life?”

Document Type

Contribution to Book

Publication Date




Source Publication

Poetry and Pedagogy across the Lifespan

Source ISSN


Original Item ID

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-90433-7_1


Studies indicate that written and verbal communication skills are increasingly necessary for success in the accounting profession. However, the traditional accounting instruction methods are intended for skills such as problem solving and quantitative analysis. Creative new learning activities are necessary to address the accounting profession’s need for communication that is both complete and concise. The essay begins with an example of poetic technique used in the professional practice of accounting, and then transitions to the use of several poetry-inspired learning activities in the accounting classroom. The examples include student experiences from both traditional and adult learners. The essay concludes that poetry-based learning activities can help students develop professionally and personally.


"Poetry and Accounting: 'What Is It You Plan to Do with Your One Wild and Precious Life?'" in Poetry and Pedagogy across the Lifespan. Eds. Sandra Lee Kleppe and Angela Sorby. Cham: Springer (2018): 3-17. DOI.
