The Impact of Customer-Reported Cybersecurity Breaches on Key Supplier Innovations and Relationship Disruption

Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2023


American Accounting Association

Source Publication

Journal of Information Systems

Source ISSN


Original Item ID

DOI: 10.2308/ISYS-2020-006


Cybersecurity breaches (CBs) negatively influence the breached firms’ business functions, including their innovative investments. Recent research documents a spillover effect of CBs into supply chain firm performance. We extend this research and investigate the impact of customers’ CBs on suppliers’ innovative investments and the disruption of supplier-customer relationships. We find a significant negative association between customers’ reported CBs and suppliers’ innovative investments in the subsequent year. In addition, we find customer-reported CBs increase the likelihood of supplier-customer relationship disruption in the subsequent year. Our study contributes to the broader understanding of the negative impacts of CBs not only on the breached firm’s financial performance but also on key supplier innovation decisions.


Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 37, No. 2 (Summer 2023): 21-49. DOI
